Innovation: Doing Things Right for the First Time

To be innovative you do not always have to invent something. To be innovative you do not always have to create something anew.

Sometimes, while looking into the processes, services, client relations, and products of a corporation, it comes to my mind that the innovation would lie in doing things right – might be for the first time.

01 – Talk with – not to – people for the first time! Enable a dialogue. Relate to people’s ideas, solutions, inspirations.

02 – Show the customer that you truly care, show her. Prove it! Act – Don’t Talk! For the first time. Your customers will love it. It will be a whole new experience for them.

03 – Concentrate on the brand’s core target group. Do not talk to everybody – and by that to nobody at all. Enjoy clarity of speech. ‘Polarize’ – People will love you for being honest and straight-forward, for the first time!

04 – Create an empathic caring brand, grow a true personality – not just an easy to remember logo. Live that character – for the first time.

05 – Deliver the quality you would like to encounter in that product yourself. For the first time! Don’t safe another penny. Make your customers happy. Every single one. Make them smile. For the first time!

06 – Deliver a whole (and holistic) experience – not just the naked product. For the first time!

07 – Amaze people with a true solution! Convince them with action. Deliver the unprecedented experience deeply rooted in your existing product. Engage them with performance. With value leadership, craft leadership, vision leadership. You can do it. It’s in your DNA. Come on … For the first Time!

08 – Deliver a Win-Win! situation, for the first time – just by doing it right. For the first time!